Sunday, February 3, 2013

January Freebies Experiment Part #2

For those of you who don't know the experiment you can read part #1 here. For those of you who have previously read about this, you know that I've been spending about 10 minutes a day or less to filling out the little forms online and seeing what I actually get in the way of FREE samples.

If I've had to pay shipping or buy something to get the freebie then I'll make sure that's noted. I also try to note any freebies that require a phone number since I really don't want to be on a 1000 telemarketers lists. While some freebie forms I forgo due to the amount of work, and others I skip over because they look like a scam... I only post the ones that seemed straight forwards and legit.

So for the second half of January I added in contests. A few blog hops, a few Facebook 'share/like' the photo type contests... and between the two (samples and contests) here is what I made off with:

Disney Travel Packet - We're headed to Disneyland with the girls this October so I was excited to get this. The DVD was helpful but I found the information in the packet extremely delightful! The girls enjoyed the pictures and I loved learning about the rides and activities right for their age!

Return address labels, book marks, and gift tags! these are from the St Jude's Hospital. go sign up for their newsletter and they will send you a packet like this 2s a year. The printing is all donated so be sure to see who donated the printing and check out their specials!

Airborn samples - this was 4 actual size samples. I loved it! There were 4 chewables, 1 dissoluble  1 tea packet, and 1 juice packet! AWESOME FREEBIE!

No Longer A Slumdog Book - A free book given out to inspire! This freebie is still available.

And I won 2 books from blog hops! One was valued at $17.95 and I can't find the price of the other one. However, both are awesome young adult books, hard-cover! I am gifting both of them to my sister in law who is 12 and I think she'd really love these.

Overall although I didn't end up with a ton of freebies this time keep in mind that I only started this in December and I didn't do much if any around the Holidays. Most samples say they take 7 days to 8 weeks to arrive so I'm not surprised that I had a slow batch here (since 4 weeks ago was Christmas/ New Years time and I was focused on the kids not the freebies). I'd say this is a win. And, I'll post on February 15th (in 2 weeks) if I still feel it's worth it.